A Timely “Word, Prayer, and Care”

Word, Prayer and Care is a valuable publication that Trinity publishes every weekend. This single page tri-fold includes a suggested Bible memory verse, a daily Bible reading list, a place to jot notes during the sermon, some suggested questions for digging deeper into the Scripture readings appointed for the week, and a vast prayer list. Word, Prayer, and Care is a powerful tool for the Spiritual life of our congregation. It is designed to be concise and convenient for God’s people to carry with them throughout the week. Maybe you have even discovered how it makes a nice bookmark in your Bible.

We do our best to make every issue of Word, Prayer, and Care relevant, timely, and meaningful. Considerable thought goes into “Digging Deeper” questions and choosing relevant Bible verses for the weekly memory assignment.

It is also most powerful when considering the number of people who are using it daily to lift others in prayer. The Bible says, “The prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).

Since we first began publishing Word, Prayer, and Care we have included the following text on the front cover:

“For accuracy, names will remain in this Prayer Guide for two weeks. Please call the church office to notify us that additional prayers are necessary.”

The above policy has been leniently enforced at best. This has resulted in our daily and weekly prayer list being outdated. I am embarrassed to tell you that we have had individuals on the prayer list whom we had learned passed way weeks earlier.
For the prayer list to remain relevant, we will begin abiding by the printed “2-week policy” beginning on January 1st.

We do want to encourage our church family to pray for one another and others whom we love. Thank you for your help in keeping our prayer list current and accurate by calling or emailing the church office with updates by noon on Friday. If you forget to “renew” your prayer request after two weeks and a name is removed from the list, simply notify the office and we will be happy to add the name to the prayer list again for the next weekend.

Thank you for being the prayer warriors that you are. In addition to Word, Prayer, and Care, Trinity also has an active Prayer Chain and an interactive “Prayer Wall” on our website. If you are not yet a part of our Prayer Chain ministry you can become part of it by calling the church office or via our website.

Our new “Prayer Wall” is a tool that is available 24 hours a day on our website. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I invite you to do so at www.TrinityDavison.org/prayer-wall.

May your New Year be blessed and be a blessing through prayer.

[The above post originally appeared in the January 2017 edition of Trinity Gram.]
Follow Pastor Todd Frusti:
Pastor Frusti has been serving at Trinity since 2008. He enjoys teaching the Word of God and challenging God's people to daily be a blessing in the lives of others.
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