Fifth Sunday Council President Update April 28/29, 2018

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Good Evening/Morning

Since our last update we have a lot of things going on:

The carpet committee selected a carpet for the main level of the church, lobby, halls, stairs, Titus room, and so on. The council approved the purchase, and the new carpet is to be installed beginning this coming Monday, so next week when you arrive at church you should see a new, clean look in those areas.

The Elders are still working on just the right church security plan for us here at Trinity. We have been in contact with other congregations, as well as collecting information from governmental units, and are hoping to attend a couple seminars on the subject. Also, the new door security entry button and camera have been installed by the main entrance, once active the doors will remain locked during the day and the secretaries will be able to screen who enters the building, for their safety.  We hope to have this system up and working in the next few weeks.

We have a new part time secretary in the office working with Janet, she started last Monday, her name is Renay Baker, if you’re here during the office hours be sure to stop in and welcome her.

Next Sunday is our Bi-annual voters assembly meeting. The only action item on the agenda will be indicating our intent to call Deacon Bob as a Specific Ministry Pastor-Just a little bit about this: a couple years ago the deacon program was changed, it cut back on what a deacon could actually do at a church. It was decided that if the church wanted a Deacon to continue doing these things, that with additional training the deacon could become a Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) for short. The program calls for the church they are serving to place a call for a SMP, specifying that person. This will allow Deacon Bob to participate in the SMP program and be considered staff here at Trinity. For us everything will remain the same as it always has been, there are no financial obligations or commitments. For deacon Bob it will mean a bunch of studying to do the same things he has been doing for years.

Currently we are looking for a superintendent for or education program. This person would be responsible for the Sunday School Program as well as Vacation Bible School Program. Carissa Anger is ready to take some time for other things. She has been doing this for many, many years. So, if you or someone you know is interested or would like more information, please drop a line or talk to Pastor.

There are copies of the Voters agenda in the narthex if you are interested in picking one up on your way out this evening.

Any time I get up to talk I always like to get in a plug about volunteers, as everyone knows, volunteers are what make a church run, so, anyone who would like to help out is always welcome, we are always looking for ushers, Sound and Light team members, Altar Guild, Praise Band members, Choir members, and Office help, other places that need a hand at times are quilter, Family Promise, Franklin Avenue Mission, My Brother Keeper, International Friends Ministry, The Mentoring Program, and many more  If you have time to help once or multiple time WE need your help!

Our second annual volunteer appreciation dinner will be June 5th, there will be more detail in the coming weeks, there is a signup sheet in the lobby to let us now you are coming.

One final note: this year’s Lenten and Easter Season Services were the largest attended we have had in many, many years! God IS good!

Thank you for this opportunity to give you this update of happenings here at Trinity!

God’s Blessing to you all!

Next 5th Sunday Update will be on July 28 & 29, 2018.