How Shall I Spread Abroad Thy Wonderous story?

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Have you ever asked the question the hymn writer asks in our beautiful hymn we sang together at Maundy Thursday worship, “O Dearest Jesus, What Law hast Thou Broken? In verse 3 of the that hymn, the writer asks, “How shall I spread abroad thy wondrous story?” How do we tell the whole world that God loves each and every person so much that He sacrificed His own son, Jesus for our sins? We may support overseas missions or include the world’s lost in our daily prayers.

After Maundy Thursday worship, I asked my friend from Pakistan if she understood the service—after all her first language is Urdu, her second language is Hindi, and her third language is English. She smiled at me and nodded her head up and down.

“Even we sing the same hymns as you.” she said.

“Like which ones,” I questioned?

She started humming a familiar tune—the tune of O Dearest Jesus …and then in a beautiful soprano voice she sang this song for me in the Urdu language. What a joy to share with believers from around the world our precious Savior’s love in song. It reminded me of Psalm 86:9, “All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name.” That evening this verse came true for me!

This was an Easter blessing I didn’t expect but I’m thankful to God to have the opportunity to sing with people from all over the globe. You can too! Find out how you can meet people from different parts of the world at Flint International Friends!

Follow Kate Cole:
Kate Cole is a forgiven sinner who has had the privilege to work internationally and serve Jesus with LCMS World Missions in Africa. Her daily goal is to know Jesus and make Him known.
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