Remember His Works

Sermon Overview

In church and when we read the Bible on our own, we learn of amazing accounts of God’s wondrous work, miracles. God has done impressive things throughout history. As we hear these accounts we may find ourselves thinking, “I can use a miracle right now” or “if God would do a miracle for me, I would be so faithful to him”. As we remember today what God has done in the past we are reminded that our God still performs miracles to accomplish His perfect plan.

Our weekend services during this Lenten season focus on Bible verses where God uses the the word “remember”. In this weekend’s message we find the Word “remember” in Psalm 111:4, “He has caused His wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful”.

Sermon Recording

Follow Pastor Todd Frusti:
Pastor Frusti has been serving at Trinity since 2008. He enjoys teaching the Word of God and challenging God's people to daily be a blessing in the lives of others.
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