Our Dual Citizenship

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Pastor Todd Frusti


Pastor Todd I. Frusti


Church & State


God calls His people to lives of commitment, including making commitments to the Church and to the nation where the people live. Ultimately, God is Lord over both the Church and over all nations. Sometimes, in His providence, He shows His dominion in ways not readily understood. He may use non-Christian leaders and unchristian nations to further His gracious plans. In living our lives, we are called to carry out the duties and responsibilities associated with citizenship in our nation. At the same time we are to demonstrate our highest allegiance to God by being people of faith who show love and evidence hope in all situations.

Bible Memory Verse:
Matthew 5:21  Jesus said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Digging Deeper Study:
Romans 13 has much to say about our worldly citizenship.  Read this chapter this week.

Martin Luther teaches about citizenship in his small Catechism. In the Small Catechism read the section on the Fourth Commandment.

Read 1 Peter 2:171 Timothy 2:1; and ; Acts 5:29. According to these passages, what is the Christian’s responsibility to rulers?
