Three P’s of Stewardship: Priority

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Pastor Todd Frusti


Pastor Todd I. Frusti




George Washington Carver is quoted as saying, “The secret of my success? It is simple. It is found in the Bible, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. Today we begin a three week series on Biblical Stewardship. We explore what God has to say to us about managing our lives. The first thing we will focus on is that God is the First Thing in our lives. “You shall have no other gods besides Me,” God says to us in the very first of His commandments.

Bible Memory Verse:
37 And he (Jesus) said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Digging Deeper Study:
As Jesus explains in Matthew 22:37-39 putting God first in our lives means that we will love God.  Read about the priority God has for us as described in 1 John 4:9-11.
Jesus summarizes God’s Law as loving God and loving others.  Review your appointment book or calendar and make a list of the ways you have spent time loving God and loving others over the past month.
You have 10,080 minutes to use every week.  About 3,000 of those minutes we spend sleeping leaving about 7,000 minutes to use every week.  You will never get these minutes back.  Carefully look at your schedule to look for ways that these priceless minutes may be wasted.  Review the following Bible verses and consider what they say about the gift of time:  Psalm 90:16; Ephesians 5:16-17; and Colossians 3:23.
