My Brother’s Keeper

St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:16, “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view”. There is more to every person than meets the eye. When we only take into consideration what the eye can see we regard little more than a person’s appearance, possessions, and abilities. This perspective of others is sinfully short-sighted and fails to see what God sees.

During the past several weeks members of Trinity participated in a new way that our congregation “regards no one from a worldly point of view”. On Thursday, March 7th we began doing our part to help residents of My Brother’s Keeper a local shelter for men who are homeless. My Brother’s Keeper is located in inner-city Flint and is home to a couple dozen men in need of food and shelter. Each month on the first Thursday, Trinity will continue to offer care and love to the people of My Brother’s Keeper.

One of the many kind and grateful words we heard at My Brother’s Keeper was “this is the best meal we’ve had down here.” That is quite a compliment. Our Trinity members did indeed serve a delicious, home-cooked meal. It is nice to know that our meal prepared with love was appreciated. However this is something else we serve there as well and that is the message and love of Jesus Christ.

Before the meal is served at My Brothers Keeper everyone gathers in a large room for a time of worship together. The thirty-minute service included songs by our new youth praise team, prayer, and a homily I prepared for the occasion. After worshipping with the men of My Brother’s Keeper some members of our Trinity team enjoyed some time of fellowship with the men during dinner. In this ministry we are regarding people from more than a mere worldly point of view. Our goal is to care for the person’s physical needs and nurture their relationship with our Lord, Jesus.

We are blessed to be part of this ministry at My Brother’s Keeper. Many who took part in our first visit to My Brother’s Keeper have expressed to me how they felt God had blessed them through the experience. Trinity will continue to send a team on the first Thursday of each month. Please consider being a part of this mission whenever you can. Stop by the bulletin in the main hallway at Trinity and see how your help is needed the next time we do the Lord’s work together at My Brother’s Keeper.

In His service and Yours,

Pastor Frusti

Follow Pastor Todd Frusti:
Pastor Frusti has been serving at Trinity since 2008. He enjoys teaching the Word of God and challenging God's people to daily be a blessing in the lives of others.
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