Jesus is a Savior for All of Life

Sermon Overview

Before he was born, John the Baptist jumped within his mother’s womb when he heard the sound of the Virgin Mary’s voice. With such excitement, the pre-born John welcomed his Lord!

Too often, people are selective about when Jesus is important to them. When life is going great, we may find ourselves thinking we’re just too busy for Jesus. Are you guilty of making Jesus wait?

In this message for the fourth Sunday in Advent, Pastor Frusti explains how one can be excited about Jesus at any time in life! Whatever stage you are at in life, Jesus is meaningful.

May this message inspire you to seek a meaningful relationship with the Lord Jesus throughout your life.

Sermon Recording

Follow Pastor Todd Frusti:
Pastor Frusti has been serving at Trinity since 2008. He enjoys teaching the Word of God and challenging God's people to daily be a blessing in the lives of others.

3 Responses

  1. Sergio

    Maybe they are not the Pastors, I.o.

    • Pastor Todd Frusti

      Thanks for listening, Sergio. Glad you liked the joke.

  2. Sergio

    Not everyone is a Pastor. But we should go no doubt about that.